A Digital Marketing Company

Inventory Management Software

The Best Inventory Management Software To Grow Your Business

Glasco Infotech have developed & designed Inventory Management Software. This software enables the  sourcing and retailing companies to improve work performance through technology. With cutting-edge modern technology, we have developed a simplified and convenient platform to manage efficient workflow. Inventory Software is highly flexible, scalable and optimized to systematically records sales, purchase, payments, and stock related detailed information for your easy business management. For big size business with hundreds or thousands of products selling, purchasing and payment records kept in inventory software. Through this, you can easily get all the detailed information of your e-commerce store & offline store in few clicks. What’s the most exciting thing about such a demanding product to keep all information together at the tips of your finger. Inventory Management Software is exclusively designed to manage inventory commercial aspects, for instance, big retail stores, fashion shopping malls, hotels, and hospitals etc. Handling all the departments to enhance the entire business operations management at an affordable price. We keep in mind major concerns of today’s business of tracing various daily records and reports to get an idea of overall commercial aspects.


Why our Inventory Software?

This is a golden opportunity when you can spend more time growing your business and lesser to manage inventory management. Inventory Management software is developed to minimize the investment of Inventory Management by using its amazing features of tracking or ordering of inventory at every level. Each product selling or purchase along with pricing is kept safe and secure for easy access. You are authorized to generate reports for all the products to check the quantity, quality and pricing, manufacturing, vendors, suppliers, sales and purchase data. And another benefit you can protect with a strong password to prevent unauthorized access to make sure security of your Inventory Management System.

Manage Orders

Manage all your orders at one place to check them

Accounting & CRM Integration

Highly Integrated by keeping need of CRM for convenient help

Brilliant Management

Smart management works faster to deliver instant results for tracing selling or purchasing reports

Maintain Stocks

No worries if having Inventory Management Software because you can keep checking stock items in your inventory. It enables you to receive notification alert in case of going low on stock.

Benefits of Inventory Management Software

With the help of Sara Technologies such a brilliant Inventory Management Software reduce your worries of managing all commercial aspects:

  •  Stock Management
  •  Customer Management
  •  Vendor Management
  •  Purchase & Sales Management
  •  Orders/Invoice Management
  •  Repair/Damage Management
  •  Payment/Tax Report
  •  MIS Reports